miss miss him.
expect a phone call.
want a different ending
need to hear "Mom I love you"
want to hear "Mom I need money."
want to call him to tell him to come down for a visit
want to hear "I'm aw ight"
my heart is breaking
want him to remembered in a good way
want him to tell me everything will be ok
want to smell my boy
see his face
see the twinkle in his eyes when he smiles
want him to hug me
want to hear about his adventures
want to hear about his girlfriends
need closure
get insomnia thinking of him
don't want to get out of bed
break down at the mention of his name'
want to tell him to pull up his pants
want to hear about the girls in his life
want him to tell me what a pain his sister is
want him to play pranks on us
wish I had him here
want him back
want the pain to take a breather
want to be a normal mom again
do want to answer all the questions
want answers
want my baby boy back
don't understand
Sending up an extra prayer for you my friend!